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Friends in faith_edited.jpg

Friends in Faith meets on Wednesdays, from 5:45 pm to 8:00 pm in Grace Hall at Grace United Methodist Church in Cheyenne. All are welcome to come and experience this special evening of casual inclusive ministry sharing God's love with each other and growing in our faith!


The time begins with a special activity, sharing personal highlights, Bible connections, prayers, and praising our LORD. Supper is served at about 6:00 pm and provided by volunteers.


Volunteers and Meals NeededVolunteers and meals are needed for the Friends in Faith ministry services on Wednesdays. If you can provide items for our Wednesday meals, donate money for meals or supplies, or support the activities, your gifts and talents would be appreciated. Use the “Contact Us” form to communicate with Glenda Haley or LuAnne Cook-Ludwick Thank you for sharing!

Faith in Friends meets weekly at 5:45 on Wednesday evenings in Grace Hall. 

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